Top "Uirepeat" questions

JSF/Facelets component to iterate over a collection or array without generating markup.

JSF 2 ui:repeat: group every n items inside a div

Given a collection that I want to arrange on a page like this: <!-- Group 0 --> <div …

java jsf jsf-2 uirepeat
How to set converter properties for each row/item of h:dataTable/ui:repeat?

I have created a custom ISO date time Converter: public class IsoDateTimeConverter implements Converter, StateHolder { private Class type; private String …

jsf datatable jsf-2 converters uirepeat
limit number of iterations in ui:repeat

We have a JSF page that displays a table with query results. We want to show just the top 3 results. …

jsf jsf-2 uirepeat
How to save an array in JSF with ui:repeat + h:inputText + managed bean?

In a postgres database I have a table with, among others, an int[] field. In my model I have a …

jsf facelets uirepeat
Primefaces action at ajax blur event at p:inputText created through ui:repeat is not called

I am currently working on a primefaces webapp and I have the following problem: I create p:inputText fields dynamically …

ajax jsf primefaces onblur uirepeat
Using <ui:repeat><h:inputText> on a List<String> doesn't update model values

Here is the scenario (simplified): There is a bean (call it mrBean) with a member and the appropriate getters/setters: …

string list jsf jsf-2 uirepeat
Output a map collection in facelets JSF 2

I have seen a couple other examples on SO discussing some weird workarounds but none seem to work and they …

jsf map jsf-2 facelets uirepeat
Using dynamic ui:include inside ui:repeat results in NullPointerException

I want to create dynamic dialog windows by using <ui:repeat> and <p:dialog> with <…

jsf facelets uirepeat uiinclude
Primefaces :radioButton inside a ui:repeat

This is my xhtml code : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3…

layout radio-button primefaces uirepeat
jsf set ui:param or use a value that changes dynamically in ui:repeat

I want to update an ui:param value or use something similar in ui:repeat loops with a condition. The …

jsf jsf-2 conditional param uirepeat