Top "Uipicker" questions


Multiple Row Selection in UIPickerView

I want to select multiple rows in a UIPickerView, so I had the idea to show my data in a …

iphone uipicker uitableview
Objective C: How to use addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method?

I am trying to update the date and time displayed in a table cell immediately after the UIPicker's data has …

objective-c ios events uipicker
How to add UIDatePicker in UIAlertController in iOS8?

I am working on a project which I had already released with iOS-7. But now as the action sheet is …

ios uidatepicker uiactionsheet uipicker uialertcontroller
How to create multiple value select picker in iOS?

Can we create a picker to select multiple values? What are the other options to select multiple values from the …

iphone objective-c uipicker
How to get Custom UIPickerView?

I want to achieve the following functionality in Custom UIPiker as shown in below picture. I want to change the …

ios ios7 uipicker
UIPickerView not displaying

I have a UIPickerView on a UIView. I've implemented its protocol in the .h and delegates in the .m files: &…

iphone cocoa-touch iphone-sdk-3.0 uipicker