I'm trying to compile a C++ software package that was written in 2007 and I'm getting this error: error: ‘uint32_t’ …
c++ uint32-t cstdintI have a hard time understanding *(uint32_t*). Let's say that I have: uint32_t* ptr; uint32_t num *(uint32_…
c uint32-tI'm studying socket programming and I learned inet_addr function. But I'm confused how can I handle in_addr_t …
c sockets unsigned-long-long-int uint32-tSo like it says in the title I am trying to convert a hexadecimal into a binary. But the problem …
c binary hex bit-manipulation uint32-tI'm really confused by how uint32_t pointers work in C++ I was just fiddling around trying to learn TEA, …
c++ uint32-t