Top "Uinavigationcontroller" questions

The UINavigationController class implements a specialized iOS view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content.

Navigation Controller Back button to go to the screen before the previous screen

I'm wondering whether it's possible to go back to 2 previous page using navigation controller button. Right now, I've custom made …

uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar back-button uinavigationitem back
Change animation transition

I got an app with NavigationController. How can i change animation transition style of pushViewController and popToViewController? UPD I created …

ios animation uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller popviewcontroller
Custom UIBarButtonItem alignment off with iOS7

So I am having the same problem that many others are experiencing when creating a UIBarButtonItem with a UIButton as …

uinavigationcontroller uibutton ios7 uibarbuttonitem
IOS: open and close some view controllers

In my app I have the following configuration to open my view controllers: When I write "pushViewController" I use a …

ios xcode uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
Hide Navigation Bar in Specific View - Swift 3

I have NavigationController that handles navigation through my app. According to my design, the very first view should have no …

ios swift3 uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar xcode8.2
Back Button in UINavigationBar Hide Problem

When I use this: [self.navigationItem setHidesBackButton:YES animated:NO]; to hide the back button in my navigationBar, my title …

objective-c uinavigationcontroller title uibarbuttonitem
push uiviewcontroller to another viewcontroller with animation from Top - bottom

In my project there is feature when user swipe on top bar one screen will appear with top to bottom …

ios transition uianimation uinavigationcontroller
why is "window.rootViewController = self.navigationController" needed in Xcode 4 Navigation Based App?

Why is the following line needed within the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method? self.window.rootViewController = self.navigationController; That is, noting there is …

iphone ios uitableview uinavigationcontroller rootview
How to use custom Navigationcontroller in AppDelegate by using a Storyboard

I've got a problem concerning Navigationcontroller in AppDelegate. I'm using a storyboard, which looks like this: As a result of …

xcode uinavigationcontroller apple-push-notifications xcode-storyboard
Override Back Button In Navigation Controller

I have storyboard with these flow. I am using SWRevealViewController to navigate to each navigation controller. - Navigation Controller 1 --&…

ios swift uinavigationcontroller swrevealviewcontroller