Top "Uikit" questions

UIKit (not to be confused with the front-end framework GetUIKit) is the object-oriented framework that is responsible for most of the iOS user interface.

How to deal with `Use of undeclared identifier 'UIDevice'`

I followed the MD file step by step. But there is still an error in the compilation. What can I …

ios xcode uikit uidevice
UICollectionView performBatchUpdates: animates all sections

I'm writing a custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout and I've noticed that initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath: and initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingDecorationElementOfKind:atIndexPath: will be called for all sections when …

objective-c ios6 uikit uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout
How to get UIImage from EAGLView?

I am trying to get a UIImage from what is displayed in my EAGLView. Any suggestions on how to do …

iphone uikit uiview opengl-es eaglview
Firebase: when to call removeObserverWithHandle in swift

Documentation says you need to call observeEventType:withBlock to remove an observer if you no longer need it. I've seen …

ios swift uikit firebase observers
addSubView SwiftUI View to UIKit UIView in Swift

I have tried to addSubView a SwiftUI View to UIView. self.view.addSubview(contentView) Error: Cannot convert value of type …

uikit swiftui xcode11 ios13
Change the state of UISwitch with animation programmatically

I have a UITableView with some cell's that containt UISwitches: UISwitch* actSwitch = (UISwitch*)[cell viewWithTag: SWITCH_TAG]; [actSwitch addTarget: self …

iphone objective-c animation uikit uiswitch
Why was UITextField's text property changed to an optional in Swift 2?

According to the UIKit diff document, in ios9/Swift 2 var text: String! has become var text: String? According to the …

ios swift uitextfield uikit swift2
Unknown error [UIWindow endDisablingInterfaceAutorotation]

I am receiving this error. I have no clue as to why it would be called, and Google didn't really …

iphone objective-c uikit uiwindow
UIStackView's own intrinsicContentSize

I'm using the UIStackView with the following configuration: let contentView = UIStackView() contentView.distribution = .EqualSpacing contentView.alignment = .Center contentView.spacing = horizontalSpacing …

ios objective-c swift uikit uistackview
Bad Access on [UICollectionView setCollectionViewLayout:animated:]

I'm getting a strange crash in my UICollectionView. The crashing UICollectionView is embedded in an UICollectionView cell of another UICollectionView. …

ios objective-c uikit uicollectionview exc-bad-access