Top "Uibutton" questions

UIButton is a subclass of UIView for displaying buttons in iOS.

Change UIButton BorderColor in Storyboard

I Set CornerRadius and BorderWidth for UIbutton in User Defined Runtime Attributes. Without adding layer.borderColor it works Well and …

ios colors uibutton storyboard
UIButton remove all target-actions

I have added multiple target-action-forControlEvents: to a UIButton. I'd like to remove all of these in one go without deallocating …

ios uibutton
Left-align image and center text on UIButton

I've seen posts regarding right alignment but I can't get left-alignment to work. I want the button to take up …

ios uiimage uibutton
Using Tint color on UIImageView

I have my own subclass of UIButton. I add UIImageView on it and add an image. I would like to …

ios xcode uiimageview uibutton tintcolor
Swift - UIButton with two lines of text

I was wondering if it is possible to create a UIButton with two lines of text. I need each line …

ios swift uibutton
Autolayout - intrinsic size of UIButton does not include title insets

If I have a UIButton arranged using autolayout, its size adjusts nicely to fit its content. If I set an …

ios cocoa-touch uiview uibutton autolayout
Why does a custom UIButton image does not resize in Interface Builder?

Why does a custom UIButton image not resize with the button? I set its view mode to Scale to Fill …

ios cocoa-touch uibutton interface-builder
How do I set UIButton background color forState: UIControlState.Highlighted in Swift

I can set the background color for a button but I can't work out how to set the background color …

ios swift uibutton xcode6
UIButton Long Press Event

I want to emulate a long a press button, how can I do this? I think a timer is needed. …

ios objective-c uibutton long-press
UIButton with two lines of text in the title (numberOfLines=2)

I'm trying to make a UIButton that has two lines of text in its titleLabel. This is the code I'm …

objective-c ios uibutton uilabel