UIBarButtonItem is a button specialized for placement on a UIToolbar or UINavigationBar object.
"Now Playing" is in One line in UIBarButtonItem. I have to put it in two lines, like "Now" is ay …
xcode uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem navigationbarI saw an article a while back, which is here: User Interface Customization in iOS 6 It shows customization for iOS 6. …
ios iphone objective-c uibarbuttonitem uiappearanceIs there a way to highlight (i.e., toggle) a UIBarButtonItem without using a custom view? For example, see 3D …
ios ios7 uibarbuttonitem uitoolbar uiappearanceI have a UIBarButtonItem that has a UITextField as its customView. The toolbar contains this item and a few buttons. …
ios uibarbuttonitem uitoolbarI know I can customize the UIBarButtonItem text via setTitleTextAttributes:forState: There is also a way to customize UITabBar icons …
ios objective-c uikit uibarbuttonitem uiappearanceI know that for elements of classes UIButton and UIBarButtonItem they automatically assume window.tintColor as the main colour, which …
uilabel ios7 uibarbuttonitem tintcolorI am transforming some apps for iOS7 and have problems with the text in buttons placed in the Toolbar. Looks …
ios7 uibarbuttonitem toolbar