iOS 5+ API for appearance customisation.
I would like to create a separator line like this one: Any idea about how to implement it? I tried …
ios uitableview uikit uiappearanceI have been getting unreliable results while trying to apply UIAppearance proxy styles to the UILabel class proxy. For example, …
ios uilabel uiappearanceAfter updating to Swift 4, I am getting a compiler error: Static member 'appearance' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'UIAppearance.…
ios swift uiappearance xcode9-beta swift4In my app I have a global custom font applied to all labels like so: UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:kMyFontName …
ios objective-c uilabel nsattributedstring uiappearanceI am trying to change the look of the UINavigationBar in my iOS7 app. I am doing the following: - (…
ios objective-c uinavigationbar uiappearanceI'm trying to change the text color for navigation buttons in a MFMailComposerViewController but it doesn't work like on iOS 6. …
ios7 mfmailcomposeviewcontroller uiappearanceI am using the UIAppearance protocol to set the background image of UINavigationBar objects throughout my app. [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:[…
ios objective-c cocoa-touch ios6 uiappearanceThis is both a question and a partial solution. *Sample project here: Problem 1: When using …
ios xcode uiviewcontroller uiappearance(NOTE: I see there are several similar questions on SO, but none of them seem to get at my specific …
ios ios7 uitabbaritem uiappearanceI know how to customize UIBarButtonItem using -setBackgroundImage: forState: barMetrics:, but I would like to use different images for UIBarButtonItemStyleDone …
iphone ios customization uibarbuttonitem uiappearance