Top "Uialertcontroller" questions

An iOS class, for displaying alerts and popup style selectors.

Switch in UIAlert Controller programmatically

I am creating an registration dialog in swift with 3 text field and one Switch and I successfully add three text …

ios swift uiswitch uialertcontroller
iOS 8.3 UIAlertController crashes when trying to add a textfield

I have an iPad app. I am creating an UIAlertController and adding a textfield. It crashes. It only crashes when …

ios crash uialertcontroller ios8.3
Subclassing UIAlertController

With pre-iOS 8 we had to use the UIAlertView and UIActionSheet Which we weren't allowed to mess with the view hierarchy …

objective-c uialertview uiactionsheet uialertcontroller
How do I put a UIActivityIndicatorView in a UIAlertController?

We're moving away from MBProgressHUD because it's too glitchy in our app, and doesn't have features such as blocking user …

ios objective-c uiactivityindicatorview uialertcontroller
Show UIAlertController over keyboard

In iOS 8 and lower show a UIActionSheet when keyboard is presented will present the action sheet over the keyboard. With …

keyboard ios9 uialertcontroller
How to have a numberpad in a textfield of an alert controller [swift]

I'm trying to call an alert controller which has a textfield. But I'd like to show immediately the numberpad since …

ios swift uitextfield uialertcontroller
Should self be captured as strong in a UIAlertAction's handler?

When writing the handler closure of a UIAlertAction, should the reference to self be strong (the default), weak, or unowned? …

ios swift uialertcontroller uialertaction
UITextField in UIAlertController (border, backgroundColor)

Here is a screenshot of a UIAlertController. I was just playing around custom fonts and textfield properties but I was …

ios uitextfield uialertcontroller
Creating a custom dialog box like this in iOS?

I'm trying to create a dialog box like this, but have failed in every attempt. This box overrides the rest …

ios swift2 uialertcontroller customdialog
Presenting UIAlertController ActionSheet in popover on iPhone

I'm creating and presenting an ActionSheet as follows: let alertController = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: nil, preferredStyle: .ActionSheet) alertController.modalPresentationStyle = .Popover // …

ios iphone popover uialertcontroller