Top "Uiactivityindicatorview" questions

On iOS, you can use an activity indicator to show that a task is in progress.

UIRefreshControl change color of UIActivityIndicatorView

There is any way to change the color of the "UIActivityIndicatorView" of the UIRefreshControl?? I didn't find anything! Thanks!!

objective-c xcode colors uiactivityindicatorview uirefreshcontrol
Set Color of UIActivityIndicatorView of a UIRefreshControl?

Is there a way to set the color of the activity indicator (probably UIActivityIndicatorView) of a UIRefreshControl? I was able …

ios uiactivityindicatorview uirefreshcontrol
UIActivityViewController Gmail Share subject and body going empty?

Im using UIActivityViewController to show share. In the list when i select Mail app the subject and body is set …

ios iphone ipad gmail uiactivityindicatorview
How to add a UIActivityIndicatorView in UIAlertView using ios7?

I am trying to figure out how to create dialogs with progress indicator on ios7. In my old (works on …

uialertview uiactivityindicatorview ios7
How do I put a UIActivityIndicatorView in a UIAlertController?

We're moving away from MBProgressHUD because it's too glitchy in our app, and doesn't have features such as blocking user …

ios objective-c uiactivityindicatorview uialertcontroller
iOS: UIActivityIndicator in UISearchBar

Is it possible to display an UIActivityIndicator in the UISearchBar while searching?

ios xcode search uisearchbar uiactivityindicatorview
Run an UIActivityIndicatorView while the main thread is busy

is there a way to display the animated spinning wheel while the main thread does a lengthy operation? The animation …

iphone cocoa-touch uiactivityindicatorview
Activity indicator for 5seconds?

All I am trying to run UIActivityIndicator for a 5 seconds on viewdidappear method .But how do i give a time …

ios objective-c nstimer uiactivityindicatorview
swift UIActivityIndicatorView while NSURLConnection

I know how to animate the UIActivityIndicatorView I know how to make a connection with NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest But I don't …

ios swift nsurlconnection uiactivityindicatorview