User Datagram Protocol is one of the messaging protocols of the IP protocol stack.
Can UDP packet be fragmented to several smaller ones if it exceeds MTU? It seems that MTU fragmentation is about …
networking udp ip mtuI have a server which sends UDP packets via multicast and a number of clients which are listing to those …
linux udp multicast packet-lossI'm trying to write a bit of code which sends a single int over UDP. The code I have so …
java udp datagramI want to do UDP Hole Punching with two clients with the help of a server with a static IP. …
java sockets udp tunneling hole-punchingI wrote a simple UDP Server program to understand more about possible network bottlenecks. UDP Server: Creates a UDP socket, …
linux linux-kernel udp epollI am trying to create a raw socket in Python that listens for UDP packets only: import socket s = socket.…
python sockets networking udp packet-captureI'm developing a java interface between a streaming server and a flash client. I noticed that UDP datagrams can reach …
java udp datagram