Unique Device ID.
Other than the user manually resetting it, has anyone observed other things that will cause the ADID to be reset? …
ios ios6 udidI recently have distributed an app for testing, and the test team are having a problem installing the app, more …
iphone ios provisioning-profile udid ios-provisioningTo get the Unique Device ID on Android phones/tablets, we use the following: ((TelephonyManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)).…
android amazon udid kindle-fireUDIDs are not showing in the latest version of iTunes 12.9 with iPhone Xs and Xs Max running iOS 12. Does anyone …
iphone udidI want to create UDID for iphone/ipad device which will remain unchanged, so please tell me if any one …
ios udidWhen should I give out my iPhone UDID? A company is developing an application for my company for the iphone …
iphone udidAs we know Apple is deprecating developers' access to UDID. But to my knowledge it is possible to get an …
ios mac-address udid