Top "Udid" questions

Unique Device ID.

Under what conditions is Apple's 'advertisingIdentifier' reset?

Other than the user manually resetting it, has anyone observed other things that will cause the ADID to be reset? …

ios ios6 udid
How to add UDID on the Apple Developer Page?

I have archived my project, created an ipa file and uploaded that on the Diawi site. I tried installing in …

ios iphone udid xcode8.1 diawi
iOS Provisioning Profile not installing on one particular device

I recently have distributed an app for testing, and the test team are having a problem installing the app, more …

iphone ios provisioning-profile udid ios-provisioning
How to get UDID of iOS Device Programmatically in iOS 7

i am using the below code to display the UDID of the device. But its displaying the null value i.…

ios iphone ios7 uuid udid
How to get Unique Device ID for Amazon Kindle Fire

To get the Unique Device ID on Android phones/tablets, we use the following: ((TelephonyManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)).…

android amazon udid kindle-fire
iPhone Xs and Xs Max no UDID showing on iTunes?

UDIDs are not showing in the latest version of iTunes 12.9 with iPhone Xs and Xs Max running iOS 12. Does anyone …

iphone udid
Alternative way to create lifetime unique id

I want to create UDID for iphone/ipad device which will remain unchanged, so please tell me if any one …

ios udid
When should I give out my iPhone UDID?

When should I give out my iPhone UDID? A company is developing an application for my company for the iphone …

iphone udid
iOS: UDID deprecated... MAC address?

As we know Apple is deprecating developers' access to UDID. But to my knowledge it is possible to get an …

ios mac-address udid