Top "Udid" questions

Unique Device ID.

Getting a device UDID from .mobileconfig

I'm trying to write function similar to that, then approved, will return the users UDID and store …

ios configuration utility udid
How to get Apple Watch Unique id or UDID?

I want to get Apple Watch unique id. Is there anything available like UDID or unique identifier for developers?

ios apple-watch udid
What should the Android device ID length be

Can anybody please tell me the length for device UDID in Android, because I got the UDID in android and …

android udid
App rejected, but I don't use UDID

Today we received a feedback about our submission and we do not understand the reported problem: "Apps are not permitted …

ios app-store uniqueidentifier appstore-approval udid
How to generate unique identifier which should work in all iOS versions?

I want to get the unique identifier which should support all iOS versions..Can any one help me on this …

iphone ios uniqueidentifier udid
Unusable UDID in new ios7 (with FFFFFFFF prefix)

I need to register new device because I need mobileprovision. I can't use mobileprovision because UDID has FFFFFFFF on start. …

ios7 udid
An alternative to the device UDID - preparing ourselves

Possible Duplicate: UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now? I know there have been quite a few questions on …

ios app-store udid
UDID or IMEI- which is better?

When developing an app that requires me to uniquely identify phone users. I was hoping for some advice on whether …

android windows cordova udid imei
Is there a way to see what UDID are included in a build?

I am looking for a way to validate an IPA or mobileprovision file, to see if all my test devices …

ios ipa udid