I want to call the type script function on input change of text box, and its working for me. But it call on every change, I want to call when the minimum number of character in the text box are 5.
export class StudentMaintenanceComponent implements OnInit {
selector: 'app-student-management',
template: `<input placeholder="" class="form-control" type="text" [maxlength]="5" (input)="SearchData($event.target.value)">`,
styleUrls: ['./app-student-management.css']
SearchData(_no: string) { // should be called when minimum no of character are 5 in the text field.
You can write something like this
(input)="$event.target.value.length > 5 && SearchData($event.target.value)"
You can also use template reference variable like this
<input placeholder="" #textInput class="form-control" type="text" [maxlength]="5" (input)="textInput.value.length > 5 && SearchData(textInput.value)">