Top "Typesafe-stack" questions

Software platform consisting mainly of Scala, Akka and Play framework supported by Typesafe.

Typesafe config: Load additional config from path external to packaged scala application

My scala application will be packaged into a jar. When I run my app, it needs to read an additional …

scala configuration app-config config typesafe-stack
No configuration setting found for key 'akka.version'

I am learning akka-remoting and this is how my project looks The project structure looks like project/pom.xml project/…

scala maven akka typesafe-stack typesafe-config
Scala slick query where in list

I am attempting to learn to use Slick to query MySQL. I have the following type of query working to …

scala typesafe-stack slick
Getting sbt-assembly working

So thus far I've been compiling my Scala project with SBT (via Typesafe stack). I want to run the code …

scala jar sbt typesafe-stack sbt-assembly
Typesafe Config: Load configuration from src/test/resources

This is a beginner question. So my app structure looks like src/main/java/... src/main/resources/application.conf src/…

java configuration akka typesafe typesafe-stack
Serializing Typesafe Config objects

I'd like to persist a Config object ( as a serialized string(maybe JSON ??) and read …

config typesafe-stack
[SlickException: Read NULL value for column (USERS /670412212).LOGIN_ID]

I am using Slick 1.0.0 with play framework 2.1.0. I am getting the following error when I query my Users table. The …

scala playframework-2.0 slick typesafe-stack
Using Auto Incrementing fields with PostgreSQL and Slick

How does one insert records into PostgreSQL using AutoInc keys with Slick mapped tables? If I use and Option for …

scala slick typesafe-stack
How can I configure system properties or logback configuration variables from typesafe config?

I have variables with defaults in my logback.xml configuration file, and I would like to be able to optionally …

scala configuration akka logback typesafe-stack
Java EE replacement for Scala?

Many Java x Scala comparisons seem to focus on the language alone (syntax, collections api, actors, etc) but what about …

scala jakarta-ee typesafe-stack