Issue tracking: what types of issue for what (ie, Task, New feature)?

Alain picture Alain · Jul 20, 2011 · Viewed 18.5k times · Source

What is the best practice to use the type of an issue (ie, New Feature, Bug, Task) when a new project is started from scratch?


  • A new point of development: Task or New Feature?
  • An improvement: Task of Enhancement?

Subsidary question: what can be the role of type "Task"?

Thank you for your answers, Alain


dsmalls picture dsmalls · Jul 21, 2011

There are two clear phases for most projects. Before you deliver/ship, and after you deliver/ship.

For a new project everything should be marked as a Task BEFORE you deliver the first time.

Once you have delivered something then all subsequent works items can be marked accordingly:

  • New functionality should marked as New Feature
  • Enhancements/improvements to existing functionality should marked as Enhancements
  • Bug reports obviously marked as Bugs
  • Tasks can still be created but usually site before New Features, Enhancements, Bugs as sub-tasks

One tool should be used to manage all item types with appropriate workflow. Using different tools makes no sense as only data fields and workflow vary by item type (e.g. Bug, Requirement, Enhancement).

I hope this helps you.