Top "Twitter-bootstrap-3" questions

Bootstrap 3 is the third generation of the front-end framework allowing for speedier web development with an attractive look and feel.

React Js conditionally applying class attributes

I want to conditionally show and hide this button group depending on what is passed in from the parent component …

javascript css twitter-bootstrap-3 reactjs class-attributes
How to change btn color in Bootstrap

Is there a way to change all .btn properties in Bootstrap? I have tried below ones, but still sometimes it …

css twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3
Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

I have a Twitter Bootstrap dropdown menu. As all Twitter Bootstrap users know, the dropdown menu closes on click (even …

javascript jquery html twitter-bootstrap-3 drop-down-menu
what are the .map files used for in Bootstrap 3.x?

There are two files included in the CSS folder with .map file extensions. They are: bootstrap.css.…

twitter-bootstrap-3 source-maps
Bootstrap 3 offset on right not left

In regards to BS 3 if I wanted just a narrow column of content on the right I might use an …

How do I add a margin between bootstrap columns without wrapping

My layout currently looks like this In the center column, I want to add a small margin between each Server …

html css twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3
Bootstrap navbar Active State not working

I have bootstrap v3. I use the class="active" on mynavbar and it does not switch when I press menu …

javascript html twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3
Bootstrap 3 Collapse show state with Chevron icon

Using the core example taken from the Bootstrap 3 Javascript examples page for Collapse, I have been able to show the …

jquery css twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3
Bootstrap 3 Horizontal Divider (not in a dropdown)

I know Bootstrap 3 has a horizontal divider you can place inside of dropdown menus to separate links like this: <…

twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3
Adding asterisk to required fields in Bootstrap 3

My HTML has a class called .required that is assigned to required fields. Here is the HTML: <form action="/…

css forms twitter-bootstrap-3 form-fields