Top "Tslint" questions

tslint is a static analysis linter for TypeScript.

How to configure Visual Studio Code and tslint?

In 0.3.0, I'm seeing intellisense for typescript. However, I was also expecting to see some tslinting as I have a tslint.…

visual-studio-code tslint
TSLint not working in VS Code

I added TSLint to my React/TypeScript project using the tslint VSCode extension. I also installed both typescript and tslint …

typescript visual-studio-code lint tslint
Angular 6 ng lint combineLatest is deprecated

I recently updated from Angular 5 to Angular 6. I'm getting this warning combineLatest is deprecated: resultSelector no longer supported, pipe to …

angular rxjs angular6 tslint
Why do TSLint and JSLint report empty blocks?

From time to time, I get TSLint errors "block is empty". This happens e.g. when I pass a no-op …

typescript jslint tslint
Space Indentation Expected in ng lint

I keep getting error "space indentation expected" while running ng lint. It is a quite amount of lines that having …

Why are bitwise operators not allowed in tslint?

We can't use bitwise operators in templates, but why are they not allowed by tslint within TypeScript code? "no-bitwise": true,

angular typescript tslint
tslint error Shadowed name: 'Observable'

I am getting the following error when running tslint that I wasn't getting before.. ERROR: C:/[27, 13]: …

angular typescript rxjs observable tslint
Is it possible to disable TSLint in tslint.json?

I use react-scripts-ts to generate React App and it supplies TSLint. It seems like there's no option to tell react-scripts-ts …

tslint react-scripts
TypeScript linter warning: no-unused-variable is deprecated; but I'm not using this config

Today I see this warning in a project being refreshed after 3 months. no-unused-variable is deprecated. Since TypeScript 2.9. Please use the …

typescript tslint
Analyse Typescript with SonarQube

I'm using node_modules/codelyzer to analyze my source code Typescript. I define manually rules in tslint.json file. But …

typescript sonarqube sonarlint tslint