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Angular2 - HTTP RequestOptions HEADERS
I currently have an issue with tslint and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I'm trying to send an HTTP GET request using HTTP provided by the Angular2 framework. With this request, I must specify the …
Making Sense of 'No Shadowed Variable' tslint Warning
I have a function that checks for the current stage in a sequential stream, based on a particular discipline that is passed in, and, according to that value, assigns the next value in my Angular 2 app. It looks something like …
TSLint Error "Exceeds maximum line length of 120"
In my Angular2 App I'm importing one component like this:
import { PersonsSingleAccountComponent} from
It is giving me the lint error "Exceeds maximum line character". If I try to give the statement in ``(backtick) …