Top "Tsconfig" questions


what is the purpose of tsconfig.json?

I was reading angular2 referrences and found this tsconfig.json. I would like to know what the following parameters mean? { "…

json typescript angular tsconfig
Webpack ts-loader : change tsconfig filename

I have 2 tsconfigs, one for my dev build and one for my prod build. I choose the tsconfig with the …

typescript webpack tsconfig ts-loader
Angular5 - File is missing from the TypeScript compilation

I have a file.ts file which does not contain a component/service/etc but just a data type. When …

angular tsconfig
Angular 6 application cannot find namespace 'google'

This question has appeared similarly in many places where the solution is to simply add import { } from '@types/googlemaps'; …

angular typescript namespaces tsconfig
Cannot find module that is defined in tsconfig `paths`

I am trying to setup aliases for my mock server. Whenever I try to compile ts files, it returns error …

typescript alias tsc tsconfig ts-node
Typescript noEmit use case

What is the use case for noEmit in Typescript? I'm interested because I want to see if I can use …

typescript tsc tsconfig
node_modules/@types/node/index.d.ts(20,1): error TS1084: Invalid 'reference' directive syntax

I have a problem with typescript compilation. Have smbd faced with it? node_modules/@types/node/index.d.ts(20,1): error …

node.js typescript compilation tsconfig
Cannot find type definition file for 'node' in Typescript/React app

I noticed not too long ago, whenever I try to start my app, I receive plenty of Cannot find name …

javascript node.js reactjs typescript tsconfig
error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'PropertyKey' in node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts

I have these errors in node_modules/@types/core-js/index.d.ts in Visual Studio Code IDE: When I run …

angular typescript package.json tsconfig
Typescript module resolution not working

Instead of relative module imports I would like to import my modules like this: import { IntHelper } from 'utils/IntHelper';. Even …

typescript tsconfig