Top "Try-with-resources" questions

The try-with-resources statement is a try statement in Java that declares one or more resources.

Try-with-resources and return statements in java

I'm wondering if putting a return statement inside a try-with-resources block prevents the resource to be automatically closed. try(Connection …

java return try-with-resources
Why does try-with-resource require a local variable?

With reference to my question Any risk in a AutoCloseable wrapper for java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock?, I am wondering …

java try-with-resources
java try-with-resource not working with scala

In Scala application, am trying to read lines from a file using java nio try-with-resource construct. Scala version 2.11.8 Java version 1.8 …

java scala try-with-resources
Close resource quietly using try-with-resources

Is it possible to ignore the exception thrown when a resource is closed using a try-with-resources statement? Example: class MyResource …

java exception java-7 try-with-resources
Sonar: How to use try-with-resources to close FileOutputStream

Sonar is giving an error that this FileOutputStream should be closed. I need to modify the following code to use …

java sonarqube java-io try-with-resources
Why close method of java.lang.AutoCloseable throws Exception, but close method of throws IOException?

I was reading this link for try-with-resources and it says: The close method of the Closeable interface throws exceptions of …

java try-catch try-with-resources
Is flush() call necessary when using try-with-resources

Will try-with-resources call flush() implicitly? If it does, in the following code snippet, bw.flush() can be safely removed? static …

java try-with-resources
A connection to (...) was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?

I'm having a warning message constantly, despite my code seems to be good. The message is: WARNING: A connection to …

java try-with-resources
Why doesn't try-with-resources work with field variables?

This is my very first question on SO and I'm confused there isn't a similar question yet! So the question …

java java-7 try-with-resources
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /proc: Too many open files

I'm using this code to read all folders in proc filesystem for (Path processPath : Files.newDirectoryStream(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/proc"), "[0…

java java-7 try-with-resources nio2