Top "Tree-conflict" questions

A tree conflict occurs in a revision control system when conflicting changes are made to the repository's directory structure on different branches and then those branches are merged.

Why am I getting tree conflicts in Subversion?

I had a feature branch of my trunk and was merging changes from my trunk into my branch periodically and …

svn merge tree-conflict
SVN how to resolve new tree conflicts when file is added on two branches

When merging a couple of branches (using SVN 1.6.1) where a file has been added on both branches (and then worked …

svn merge tree-conflict
Resolving tree conflict

How to resolve tree conflict in current scenerio. C:\DevBranch C:\MyBranch I updated both branches. Edited MyBranch and then …

svn tortoisesvn tree-conflict
SVN X remains in tree-conflict

I am using VisualSVN (which uses Tortoise). I accidentally move a folder to a different location. When tries to move …

svn tortoisesvn visualsvn-server tree-conflict