Top "Transactionscope" questions

TransactionScope is a .NET class used to mark a block of code as transactional.

TransactionScope With Files In C#

I've been using TransactionScope to work with the database and it feels nice. What I'm looking for is the following: …

c# file transactions scope transactionscope
C# - System.Transactions.TransactionScope

I was curious about the TransactionScope class. For the most part, I assume it was intended for database connections (which …

c# .net transactions transactionscope
TransactionInDoubtException using System.Transactions on SQL Server 2005

The underlying question to this post is "Why would a non-promoted LTM Transaction ever be in doubt?" I'm getting System.…

c# sql-server-2005 transactions transactionscope system.transactions
TransactionScopeOption - Required or RequiresNew

I'm currently having a confusion concerning the constructor of the TransactionScope object. Say that users of my website can order …

.net transactions constructor transactionscope
How to support async methods in a TransactionScope with Microsoft.Bcl.Async in .NET 4.0?

I have a method similar to: public async Task SaveItemsAsync(IEnumerable<MyItem> items) { using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { …

c# .net .net-4.0 async-await transactionscope
SQL Server: Isolation level leaks across pooled connections

As demonstrated by previous Stack Overflow questions (TransactionScope and Connection Pooling and How does SqlConnection manage IsolationLevel?), the transaction isolation …

sql-server tsql transactions transactionscope
TransactionScope alternative without DTC

are there any alternative to transactionScope which does not need to enable DTC?? In the transaction I need to make …

c# .net-4.0 transactions transactionscope msdtc
Is there a way to use TransactionScope with an existing connection?

I have some code that works like the advised use of TransactionScope, but has an ambient connection instead of an …

c# transactions transactionscope
Check if an existing transactionscope is active

I am using: public class TransactionUtils { public static TransactionScope CreateTransactionScope() { var TransactionOptions = new TransactionOptions(); TransactionOptions.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; …

c# transactions transactionscope nested-transactions
Nested Transactions with TransactionScope

If you have somehting like this: IBinaryAssetStructureRepository rep = new BinaryAssetStructureRepository(); var userDto = new UserDto { id = 3345 }; var dto = new BinaryAssetBranchNodeDto("name", …

c# .net transactionscope