Top "Transactionscope" questions

TransactionScope is a .NET class used to mark a block of code as transactional.

Dapper & TransactionScope?

I just started playing around with Dapper. So far i love it. Does dapper not work with TransactionScope? I noticed …

transactionscope dapper
Why am I getting this error suddenly?

So I have a WCF service, inside which there's a Process() method. This method reads a byte array (a file) …

c# sql-server wcf transactions transactionscope
TransactionScope Error against Sql Server 2000 - The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

I am trying to set up a simple transaction for my Linq-to-Sql actions against my Sql 2000 database. Using TransactionScope it …

linq-to-sql transactions transactionscope msdtc
NHibernate with TransactionScope

Can anyone give me a quick overview of using TransactionScope with NHibernate? Do I need to do anything special with …

nhibernate transactionscope
TransactionScope and Isolation Level

we have a problem to use TransactionScope. TransactionScope get to us very good flexibility to use transactions across our Data …

sql-server-2008 transactions transactionscope
One transaction with multiple dbcontexts

I am using transactions in my unit tests to roll back changes. The unit test uses a dbcontext, and the …

c# .net dbcontext transactionscope
Using TransactionScope around a stored procedure with transaction in SQL Server 2014

I am using C# and ADO.Net with a TransactionScope to run a transaction in an ASP.Net app. This …

c# sql-server stored-procedures transactionscope
TransactionScope not rolling back transaction

Here is the current architecture of my transaction scope source code. The third insert throws an .NET exception (Not a …

c# .net transactions transactionscope
Nested/Child TransactionScope Rollback

I am trying to nest TransactionScopes (.net 4.0) as you would nest Transactions in SQL Server, however it looks like they …

.net transactions transactionscope
TransactionScope - The underlying provider failed on EnlistTransaction. MSDTC being aborted

Our team have got a problem that manifests as: The underlying provider failed on EnlistTransaction; Cannot access a disposed object.…

c# entity-framework oracle10g transactionscope msdtc