Top "Traceroute" questions

traceroute traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network.

tracert command returns timed out

tracert returns requested time out. What I understand from this is the packets lost some where on the network. Does …

TraceRoute and Ping in C#

Does anyone have C# code handy for doing a ping and traceroute to a target computer? I am looking for …

c# .net networking ping traceroute
How is it possible for traceroute to timeout, yet the site will load fine in a browser?

I am able to load in Chrome, yet when I do a traceroute from the command line (…

Script to start traceroute if continuous ping fails, output to log

I want to continuously ping my home public IP address, and if the ping fails automatically do a traceroute to …

vbscript batch-file ping traceroute
How to traceroute in adb shell?

I have a rooted device, I type "su" in adb shell, then I try to traceroute. It says "traceroute: not …

android shell adb traceroute
Trace Routing for a Certain port

Before saying anything let me tell you that i am not well educated int networks related subjects. I am a …

networking port icmp windows-firewall traceroute
Is it possible to do a traceroute in the browser?

I'm looking for a way to do a traceroute client-side, i.e. in a browser. As far as I know, …

java javascript actionscript client-side traceroute
Is there a PowerShell equivalent tracert that works in version 2?

I'm using PSVersion 2.0 and I was wondering is there a equivalent to the traceroute for it? I'm aware that on …

powershell powershell-2.0 traceroute
How can I perform a ping or traceroute using native python?

I would like to be able to perform a ping and traceroute from within Python without having to execute the …

python ping traceroute
Why traceroute sends UDP packets and not ICMP ones?

According to the Stevens (TCP/IP Illustrated) the traceroute program sends UDP packets to the destination host with an incremental …

networking udp icmp traceroute