Top "Touchmove" questions

jQuery: disable and enable touch with touchmove

I use this code to disable and enable touch: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("body").on("touchmove", false); jQuery('button').…

jquery touchmove
When to use touchmove vs mousemove?

I build a web mobile game, it runs on browsers (PC/Mobile). Do I need to use the touchmove or …

javascript html mouseevent mousemove touchmove
JavaScript prevent touch move on body element, enable on other elements

but very simply, I'd like to prevent the touchmove event on the body element but leave it enabled for another …

javascript events default event-propagation touchmove
document.addEventListener("touchmove", preventBehavior, false); - prevents me using from using overflow: scroll; - work around?

Im using phonegap to build an ios app, so that you cant move the window phonegap uses document.addEventListener("touchmove", …

javascript ios cordova overflow touchmove
Can't prevent `touchmove` from scrolling window on iOS

We are trying to scroll an element on our iOS web app while preventing the window itself from scrolling. We …

ios scroll mobile-safari preventdefault touchmove
JavaScript DOM changes in touchmove delayed until scroll ends on mobile Safari

In mobile safari, in the course of handling touchmove for an element, I change the className of that element. Unfortunately, …

javascript ios safari classname touchmove
"touchmove" event on Android &iPhone using PhoneGap

so basically I want to be able to get the coordinates of the touch when someone swipes across the screen …

javascript android cordova mousemove touchmove
Drawing line on touches moved in COCOS2D

I'm developing a game for iPhone using COCOS2D. In that, I need to draw a line when user drag …

ios iphone cocos2d-iphone touchmove
Cancel touchend if touchmove fires

I'm building something mainly for use on tablets, where the user can tap an item on the screen and a …

javascript jquery click touch-event touchmove
jquery- change element background color by id using elementFromPoint

I have a grid, I want to imitate the drawing function that was made in this link, the thing is …

javascript jquery event-handling touchmove