Top "Tostring" questions

"toString" or "ToString" is a major formatting method or function used in high level programming languages.

toString() in POJO Class

Is it required to add toString() in all the POJO classes? Its kind of a very basic question but I …

java tostring pojo apache-stringutils
ToString() default CultureInfo

I think I understand the CultureInfo usage. If I do simple : const int a = 5; string b = a.ToString(); is it …

c# tostring cultureinfo
C#: Overriding ToString() method for custom exceptions

I have a custom exception class which contains some additional fields. I want these to be written out in the …

c# .net exception tostring
Invocation of toString on an array - FindBugs

I am getting the below Findbugs error for my code, Invocation of toString on <<Package Path>> …

arrays tostring findbugs
Why does .NET decimal.ToString(string) round away from zero, apparently inconsistent with the language spec?

I see that, in C#, rounding a decimal, by default, uses MidpointRounding.ToEven. This is expected, and is what the …

c# decimal tostring number-formatting rounding
how to convert array of integers into hex string and vice versa in javascript

I have array of 32 bit integers in javascript. How to convert it into the Hex string and again build the …

javascript arrays string tostring parseint
TimeSpan ToString "[d.]hh:mm"

I trying to format a TimeSpan to string. Then I get expiration from MSDN to generate my customized string format. …

c# tostring timespan custom-formatting
Why is a round-trip conversion via a string not safe for a double?

Recently I have had to serialize a double into text, and then get it back. The value seems to not …

c# double tostring precision
How to tell lxml.etree.tostring(element) not to write namespaces in python?

I have a huge xml file (1 Gig). I want to move some of the elements (entrys) to another file with …

python namespaces lxml tostring elementtree