Top "Topshelf" questions

Topshelf is a service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET.

Installing a Topshelf application as a Windows service

Using Visual Studio Express 2012, I've created a console application using Topshelf (Version The application works as a console application, but …

.net windows-services topshelf
Console.WriteLine() inside a Windows Service?

I am currently using TopShelf with a Console Application to create a Windows Service. When I run the code as …

c# windows-services topshelf
How to catch exception and stop Topshelf service?

I have a topshelf windows service where I want to do some checking (i.e. if an xml file exists) …

c# topshelf
How can I use CommandLine Arguments that is not recognized by TopShelf?

I want to pass some custom arguments to the console app when I install and start it as a Windows …

c# .net windows-services topshelf
Windows Service started and then stopped using Topshelf

I am using and I am trying to get the Quartz server to start-off in a Windows Service. …

c# windows-services topshelf
Serilog in Windows-Service not writing to logfile

I am using Serilog within an TopShelf Service, logging to the console and a rolling file. When running the service …

windows-services topshelf serilog
Windows Service cannot access network location (UNC) Path

I have a windows service that polls a folder continuously for new files.For local directories this works fine.But …

c# .net networking unc topshelf
Executing multiple Quartz.NET jobs with Topshelf

I am attempting to run multiple jobs with Quartz.NET and Topshelf using C#. HostFactory.Run(c => { c.ScheduleQuartzJobAsService(…

c# quartz-scheduler topshelf
How to use Topshelf.Logging properly

Any clue how to use Topshelf.Logging properly? Do I have to pass NLogLogWriter to the constructor of the service …

c# logging nlog topshelf
C# Topshelf TimeoutException

As a First step I created Windows Service project configured it properly and On second Step I have added TopShelf …

c# .net windows-services topshelf