Top "Toplink" questions

TopLink is one of the leading Java persistence products and JPA implementations.

Unknown entity class error message even though the entity is marked with @Entity annotation

I am building REST web app using Netbean6.9.1 and JPA EclipseLink. The issue I'm facing is even though my entity …

java rest jpa eclipselink toplink
Unknown abstract schema type

Based on the answer from axtavt, this is almost certainly a naming problem between Notebean and NoteBean. Is there a …

java mysql database-design jpql toplink
Making a ms sql connection in persistence.xml in JPA

We need to make a connection to ms sql server from java persistence unit 1.0. I hace following code for oracle …

java sql-server jpa toplink
ORA-01400 cannot insert null error in one to one relationship

i have this code public void guardarAspirante(AspiranteDTO aspiranteDTO) { Aspirante aspirante = new Aspirante(); String usuarioMovimiento = AspiranteCN.class.getSimpleName(); Date fecha = …

java oracle jpa-2.0 toplink ora-01400
How to use Enum as NamedQuery parameters in JPA

I have an Entity with a enum attribute and a couple on NamedQueries. One of these NamedQueries has the enum …

java jpa jakarta-ee toplink
List as a named parameter in JPA query using TopLink

In the following JPA query, the :fcIds named parameter needs to be a list of integer values: @NamedQuery(name = "SortTypeNWD.…

java jpa toplink
Java server cpu usage at 100% after two days continous running with about 110 users

I have a tomcat 6.0.20, apr 1.2, jdk 1.6.0_15 with mysql 5.1.38 running on a rhel box with 4 GB ram. There is one simple …

java tomcat struts toplink permgen
How do I add data source in persistence.xml so that IntelliJ IDEA sees it?

How do I add data source in persistence.xml so that IntelliJ IDEA sees it ? I have little desktop application (…

java intellij-idea persistence hsqldb toplink
JPA Inheritance

Hi I'm new to JPA and I'm having trouble understanding how it handles inheritance. I have a specific problem I …

java hibernate inheritance jpa toplink
TopLink 11g versus EclipseLink

We're considering migrating to TopLink 11g JPA from Oracle Kodo JDO. But I see that EclipseLink exists and appears to …

eclipselink toplink