Top "Tomahawk" questions

Tomahawk is a JSF component library.

Create and show thumbnail (byte[]) in JSF

I'm uploading image to server and when image is uploaded it should show me a thumb of uploaded image. Thumbnail …

jsf thumbnails tomahawk
Color the rows of datatable based a condition in JSF 2

I'd like to change the background color of rows based on a condition. <t:dataTable id="data" styleClass="history-table" …

jsf-2 tomahawk
Error deploying war in tomcat: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException

This application works properly when I execute it from NetBeans (the proyect in NetBeans is configured to use a tomcat 6 …

java jsf tomcat web-deployment tomahawk
How to create conditions based on user role using JSF/MyFaces?

What options do I have to read the roles of the current user from my JSP pages? I'm aware of …

java jsp jsf myfaces tomahawk
How to upload file in JSF

Actually I'm creating an application for uploading file using JSF. But whenever I upload a file and click send it …

jsf-2 nullpointerexception tomahawk