Top "Tmux" questions

tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen.

How can I make TMUX be active whenever I start a new shell session?

Instead of having to type tmux every time, how could I have tmux always be used for new session windows? …

shell session terminal tmux
"libevent not found" error in tmux

I am trying to install tmux in my Scientific Linux release 6.5 (Carbon) machine These are the steps I followed wget …

linux tmux
Keep the window's name fixed in tmux

I'm new to tmux. I want to keep the windows' name fixed after I rename it. But after I renaming …

linux tmux
Vim: Difference between t_Co=256 and term=xterm-256color in conjunction with TMUX

I am testing the various different terminals that I tend to use to SSH into Linux boxes that I have …

vim terminal tmux xterm
tmux: How to join two tmux windows into one, as panes?

I have two tmux windows, with a single pane in each, and I would like to join these two panes …

session split tmux
Specify pane percentage in tmuxinator project

How can I specify a pane percentage in tmuxinator ? Eg: project_name: ad_dev project_root: ~/Programming/WWW/Rails/projects/…

tmux tmuxinator
Change background color of active or inactive pane in Tmux

Are there any options to control the background color of the active or inactive panes in Tmux?

.bashrc/.profile is not loaded on new tmux session (or window) -- why?

When tmux starts or opens a new window, it does not load my .profile or .bashrc. I end up typing . ~/.…

Tmux vs. iTerm2 split panes

Why should I use tmux when iterm2 has split panes? I have never used tmux, and want to know if …

vim tmux iterm
How can you tell which pane in Tmux is focused?

I'm starting to use tmux (I'm thinking of switching from screen), but I'm having a hard time telling which pane …
