Top "Titlebar" questions

An area of a window in a graphical user interface (GUI), normally located at the top, that commonly displays the name of the application, options for manipulating the window, and other important information about the application.

Show title bar from code

In the manifest file I have this line to my application tag android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" and basically …

android android-activity android-theme titlebar android-titlebar
Feature Custom Title: Cannot combine custom titles on API 11 and above

I have a project in which i setted: minSdkversion setted to 10 MainActivity is a TabActivity Code in onCreate method is …

android tabactivity titlebar android-tabactivity custom-titlebar
Android set height of custom title bar

I made a custom title bar. In the title bar are two imageviews next to each other and one textview …

android height titlebar
Can the Wicket modal window be customized?

I need to add a button to the title bar of a Wicket modal window. I can't find anything useful …

java customization wicket titlebar
Modifying Window Button Colors in Mac OS X

How can I modify the red/yellow/green window buttons for close/minimize/zoom in Mac OS X? There must …

macos user-interface colors customization titlebar
Is there a way to add the workspace path to the Eclipse IDE title bar?

I sometimes run more than one eclipse with a new version of a project and another with an older version …

eclipse workspace titlebar
Android app title bar doesn't show when testing the app?

I'm creating an app, and when I build it and start it on my phone (a Sony Xperia Z1 with …

android rendering titlebar
How to change title of Git terminal in Windows?

I work in Windows 10 and usually I have up to 5 CMD windows open. I work this way because I need …

windows git bash git-bash titlebar
Tabs in title bar: what's the secret?

Chrome and Firefox 4, among other applications, now put some of their user interface in the title bar. In Windows, the …

windows user-interface titlebar custom-titlebar
Disable menu bar in Windows Mobile 6.5

I'm porting .NET application from WM5 to WM6.5. Besides new resolution I noticed different UI behavior for start menu and …

.net windows-mobile titlebar windows-mobile-6.5 kiosk-mode