Top "Titlebar" questions

An area of a window in a graphical user interface (GUI), normally located at the top, that commonly displays the name of the application, options for manipulating the window, and other important information about the application.

Visually remove/disable close button from title bar .NET

I have been asked to remove or disable the close button from our VB .NET 2005 MDI application. There are no … mdi titlebar
Changing the color of the title bar in WinForm

Is it possible to change the color of the title bar of a WinForm in C#? __________________________ [Form1_______________-|[]|X] <…

c# .net winforms background titlebar
jQuery dialog theme and style

How do I change the background color of the title bar of a jQuery dialog? I have looked at the …

jquery dialog themes titlebar background-color
How to make title bar disappear in WPF window?

I know this has been asked before but I've tried answers: How to create a WPF Window without a border …

wpf xaml window titlebar
How to remove title bar in JFrame

I'm using the following code for practising,…

java swing jframe titlebar
How can I remove just the Maximize button from a JFrame?

I have a JFrame and want to remove the maximize button from that. I wrote the code below, but it …

java swing jframe titlebar maximize-window
How to remove title bar in android?

I want to do android program that contains no title bar. For some reason I cant remove title bar. I …

android xml android-actionbar titlebar
Custom title with image

i'm creating custom title for activity by disabling standard one and managing everything myself. I wonder if it's possible to …

android window titlebar
Android activity as dialog, but without a title bar

I have an activity that has the following set as theme: android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" However, there is …

android webview titlebar
how can i change the color of titlebar in JFrame?

I am using the following code, UIManager.put("JFrame.activeTitleBackground",; for change the toolbar color in JFrame. But …

java swing jframe titlebar