Top "Title" questions


center custom title in UINavigationBar?

I have a custom UINavigationBar title and a custom back button. My problem is that the title is not centered …

iphone uinavigationbar title
Showing image title with imshow method in MATLAB

How can I show image titles in MATLAB figures? I have the following code below: I=imread('./../images/pap.…

image matlab plot title imshow
How to move blog title in the middle of the screen?

I am very new to blogging. My blog has its title description at the top-left but I want it to …

html css blogs blogger title
is there a way to make title= attribute work on Chrome?

<span title="Hover text">Hello World</span> In Firefox, that will display a tooltip with "Hover …

html firefox google-chrome title
R: ggplot2, can I set the plot title to wrap around and shrink the text to fit the plot?

library(ggplot2) my_title = "This is a really long title of a plot that I want to nicely wrap \n …

r ggplot2 title word-wrap
Trouble left-aligning UIButton title (iOS/Swift)

I'm having a problem left-aligning a UIButton's text. I also tried changing it to .Right but it still stays centered. …

swift uibutton title text-alignment leftalign
Line break in expression()?

I have the following histogram in R: hist( alpha, cex.main=2, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, main=expression( paste("Histogram of ", …

r plot title line-breaks plotmath
Get only PID from tasklist using cmd title

Desired output: 1234 Just the PID. Nothing else - no other characters, numbers, or symbols. I'm trying to run tasklist so …

cmd title pid tasklist
<title> tag isn't showing up on the web page

I was watching tutorials about html for beginners and tried to make a simple html file. when I open this …

html tags title head
Python: Savefig cuts off title

Hey I try to savefig my plot, but it allways cuts off my title. I think it is because of …

python matplotlib plot save title