A time zone is a region on Earth that has a uniform, legally mandated standard time.
To get today's date I do: Date.today # => Fri, 20 May 2011 I would like to get today's date in a …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 date timezoneWhen I first setup an Ubuntu server, I make sure I aptitude install tzdata, then dpkg-reconfigure tzdata so that I …
ubuntu automation timezoneCan somebody please tell, what's the difference between the following two statements: TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York") and TimeZone.getTimeZone("…
java calendar timezoneHow can I set the timezone in Windows from command line or from a batch file? Do I need to …
windows command-line batch-file timezone wshLet's say user in CA, US picks up a date, time and timezone: Worldwide beer marathon starts on 8/15/2013 10:00 am, UTC-08:00 …
javascript date datetime timezone timezone-offsetI having an column of UNIX time stamp in my database table, which comes from a system that is in …
timezone sql-server-2012 unix-timestampI am developing an application with react/redux, and I started using library react-intl for formatting messages and dates. I …
javascript timezone react-intlI'm trying to simply add TimeZone information back into a LocalDate before performing some more calculations. The LocalDate came from …
java timezone jodatime