Top "Timeuuid" questions

Use it to mark specific Cassandra questions that are involving a TimeUUID instead of a generic UUID.

Cassandra UUID vs TimeUUID benefits and disadvantages

Given that TimeUUID handily allows you to use now() in CQL, are there any reasons you wouldn't just go ahead …

cassandra uuid cql cql3 timeuuid
How to generate TimeUUID in Java/Scala

Does anyone know how to generate TimeBased UUIDs in Java/Scala? Here is the column family: CREATE table col(ts …

java scala cassandra timeuuid
In Cassandra terminology, what is TimeUUID?

In Cassandra terminology, what is TimeUUID and when is it used?

cassandra timeuuid
how do i get the date/time back from a UUID type 1

I have included the following UUID library compile group: 'com.fasterxml.uuid', name: 'java-uuid-generator', version: '3.1.5' in my build. …

java timeuuid
Cassandra : Select records based on "timeuuid where conditions"

I created one table in Cassandra and want to select data based on where condition of the column which has …

cassandra timeuuid