Top "Timestamp" questions

A timestamp is the time at which an event is recorded by a computer system.

How to convert python timestamp string to epoch?

I have the following string: mytime = "2009-03-08T00:27:31.807Z" How do I convert it to epoch in python? I …

python datetime timestamp epoch
Date comparison in Hive

I'm working with Hive and I have a table structured as follows: CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT, created TIMESTAMP, some_…

hive timestamp hiveql ddl
How to delete or purge old files on S3?

Are there existing solutions to delete any files older than x days?

amazon-s3 timestamp delete-file s3cmd purge
Creating an index on a timestamp to optimize query

I have a query of the following form: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Timestamp > [SomeTime] AND Timestamp < [SomeOtherTime] I …

mysql optimization indexing timestamp
uses for mongodb ObjectId creation time

The ObjectId used as the default key in mongodb documents has embedded timestamp (calling objectid.generation_time returns a datetime …

mongodb timestamp unix-timestamp
How to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET / C#?

Up until now I used DateTime.Now for getting timestamps, but I noticed that if you print DateTime.Now in …

c# .net timestamp
Compare Date object with a TimeStamp in Java

When I test this code: java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date stamp = new java.sql.…

java date timestamp compare equals
How do I extract the created date out of a Mongo ObjectID

I'm using the Mongo shell to query my Mongo db. I want to use the timestamp contained in the ObjectID …

shell mongodb timestamp unix-timestamp
pandas convert from datetime to integer timestamp

Considering a pandas dataframe in python having a column named time of type integer, I can convert it to a …

python pandas timestamp datetime-conversion
sequelize.js TIMESTAMP not DATETIME

In my node.js app I have several models in which I want to define TIMESTAMP type columns, including the …

mysql node.js datetime timestamp sequelize.js