Top "Tilde" questions

The ~ (tilde) operator, performs a bitwise negation on a binary number - all 1 bits are set to 0 and all 0 bits are set to 1.

How to manually expand a special variable (ex: ~ tilde) in bash

I have a variable in my bash script whose value is something like this: ~/a/b/c Note that it …

bash scripting tilde tilde-expansion
How do I use '~' (tilde) in the context of paths?

I'm a web application development noob. I have a function that opens a file and reads it. Unfortunately, the directory …

python path tilde
What does the tilde before a function name mean in C#?

I am looking at some code and it has this statement: ~ConnectionManager() { Dispose(false); } The class implements the IDisposable interface, …

c# syntax tilde
what is the use of "~" tilde in url?

what is the use of ~ tilde in URL? I am using cPanel, and have link including tilde, why is tilde …

apache url cpanel tilde
In R formulas, why do I have to use the I() function on power terms, like y ~ I(x^3)

I'm trying to get my head around the use of the tilde operator, and associated functions. My 1st question is …

r formula polynomials tilde
What is the best way to produce a tilde in LaTeX for a website?

Following the previous questions on this topic, when you produce a website in LaTeX what is the best way to …

latex tilde
What does symbol tilde (~) mean in CSS

I want to know what does (~) mean in css. #img1:hover ~ #img2 { opacity: 0; } In visual studio, i get 'unexpected character …

css tilde
What does a tilde in angle brackets mean when creating a Java generic class?

I was reading through some JMockit examples and found this code: final List<OrderItem> actualItems = new ArrayList<~&…

java generics intellij-idea syntax tilde
What's the function of the ~ bitwise operator (Tilde)

Possible Duplicate: What does this ~ operator mean here? Bit not operation in PHP(or any other language probably) Can someone …

php operators bit-manipulation tilde
Using LaTex "~" symbol in Python using LaTeX

Please see the piece of the code I am using to produce an image. At the end, I want to …

latex tilde