Top "Threadstatic" questions

An attribute indicating that the value of a static field is unique for each thread.

How does the ThreadStatic attribute work?

How does [ThreadStatic] attribute work? I assumed that the compiler would emit some IL to stuff/retrieve the value in …

c# static threadstatic
ThreadStatic v.s. ThreadLocal<T>: is generic better than attribute?

[ThreadStatic] is defined using attribute while ThreadLocal<T> uses generic. Why different design solutions were chosen? What are …

c# generics attributes thread-local threadstatic
Initializing ThreadStatic field still causes NullReferenceException

I've written myself a multi-threaded random generator public static class MyRandGen { private static Random GlobalRandom = new Random(); [ThreadStatic] private static …

c# random thread-safety threadstatic
How to maintain Thread context across async await model in C#?

Is using ThreadStatic and setting the context every time await completes "an option"? Is there another way? public async void …

c# async-await threadstatic
ThreadStatic vs. ThreadLocal<T> Performance: speedups or alternatives?

I recently read this post about poor performance of fields marked ThreadStatic - they're apparently 60x slower than normal field …

.net thread-local threadstatic