Top "Threadpoolexecutor" questions

In Java, an ExecutorService that executes each submitted task using one of possibly several pooled threads.

ThreadPoolExecutor - Core and maximum pool sizes

When a new task is submitted in method execute(java.lang.Runnable),and fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, a …

java threadpoolexecutor
How to force terminate all workers in ThreadPoolExecutor immediately

I have a number of tasks inside a TheadPoolExecutor. I have a stop button on my interface that should terminate …

java multithreading threadpool threadpoolexecutor
Handling Exceptions for ThreadPoolExecutor

I have the following code snippet that basically scans through the list of task that needs to be executed and …

java multithreading concurrency exception-handling threadpoolexecutor
What's Spring's default queue size with a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor?

I'm using Spring 4.3.8.RELEASE with Java 7. I want to create a thread pool to execute tasks so I have set …

spring multithreading queue threadpool threadpoolexecutor
new Thread(task).start() VS ThreadPoolExecutor.submit(task) in Android

In my Android project I had a lot of places where I need to run some code asynchronously (a web …

java android multithreading asynchronous threadpoolexecutor
How to stop a running Thread in Java

I am using a Java based file conversion tool which converts PDF to DOCX, but sometimes while conversion it stuck, …

java multithreading threadpoolexecutor
SingleThreadExecutor VS plain thread

Apart from the fact that the Executor interface has some advantages over plain threads (management, for example), is there any …

java multithreading threadpoolexecutor
MultiThreading Vs ThreadPoolExecutor

I have used multithreading in many of applications I wrote . While reading more I came across ThreadPoolExecutors. I couldn't not …

java multithreading java.util.concurrent threadpoolexecutor
Executors: How to synchronously wait until all tasks have finished if tasks are created recursively?

My question is strongly related to this one here. As was posted there, I would like the main thread to …

java concurrency threadpoolexecutor
Problems with pool size of Spring's ThreadPoolTaskExecutor

I'm doing some load tests agains my Spring application and now I'm a little bit confused about the configuration of …

java multithreading spring threadpool threadpoolexecutor