Problems with pool size of Spring's ThreadPoolTaskExecutor

baymon picture baymon · Aug 22, 2015 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I'm doing some load tests agains my Spring application and now I'm a little bit confused about the configuration of the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.

The documentation of the internally used ThreadPoolExecutor describes the corePoolSize as "the number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle, [...]" and maximumPoolSize as "the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool".

That obviously means that the maximumPoolSize limits the number of thread in the pool. But instead the limit seems the be set by the corePoolSize. Actually I configured just the corePoolSize with 100 an let the maximumPoolSize unconfigured (that means the default value is used: Integer.MAX_VALUE = 2147483647).

When I run the load test I can see (by reviewing the logs), that the executed worker thread are numbered from worker-1 to worker-100. So in this case the thread pool size is limited by corePoolSize. Even if I set maximumPoolSize to 200 or 300, the result is exactly the same.

Why the value of maximumPoolSize has no affect in my case?

public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
    return taskExecutor;


I've found the solution in the documentation: "If there are more than corePoolSize but less than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if the queue is full". The default queue size is Integer.MAX_VALUE. If I limit the queue, everything works fine.


Somnath De picture Somnath De · Jul 19, 2017

I have done some testing on ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and there is three things that you have to understand:

  • corePoolSize
  • queueCapacity
  • maxPoolSize

When you start the process there is no threads in the pool. Each time a task comes one new executor thread will be created to handle this new load as long the corePoolSize is not reached. When the corePoolSize is reached the next task will be shift to the queue and wait for a free executor thread. If the load is too high and queueCapacity is full, the new executor threads will be created unless the maxPoolSize is reached. These additional threads will expire as soon as the queue is empty. If the corePoolSize is exhausted, queueCapacity is full and maxPoolSize is also reached then the new submitteds tasks will be rejected and called will get an exception.

You have not mentioned the queueCapacity of your configuration so it might be set to highest integer number and thus maxPoolSize is never getting triggered. Try with small corePoolSize and queueCapacity and you will observe the desired result.