A piece of code is thread-safe if it only manipulates data structures in a way that allows consistent execution of this code by multiple threads.
I've written myself a multi-threaded random generator public static class MyRandGen { private static Random GlobalRandom = new Random(); [ThreadStatic] private static …
c# random thread-safety threadstaticedit Apparently what I was hoping to do is outside of the scope of thrift... If I make sure there …
java thread-safety thriftI have read Java String class is immutable and thread-safe but I am still confused about whether the reference assignment …
java string thread-safety immutability reentrantlockSometimes my application crashes in QWidget::update() that is performing in non-GUI thread. I am developing an application in which …
qt thread-safety libvlcI have learned a little about Unsafe State and Safe State. Safe State is when there is no chance of …
operating-system thread-safety system unsafe bankers-algorithmI use following code for guarantee startTime variable set once only: public class Processor { private Date startTime; public void doProcess() { …
java multithreading synchronization thread-safety thread-synchronizationCurrently I am use following code to lookup EJB3 sateless session beans for normal POJO class. (We are in JEE5 …
java thread-safety jndiI understand that to avoid output intermixing access to cout and cerr by multiple threads must be synchronized. In a …
c++ thread-safety coutWhen using gRPC from Java, can I cache stubs (clients) and call them in a multi-threaded environment or are the …
java thread-safety grpcI have an application that I need to have wait a specific amount of time, but I also need to …
c# timer thread-safety system.timers.timer