Top "Textlabel" questions

Returns the label used for the main textual content of the table cell.

Is it possible to adjust x,y position for titleLabel of UIButton?

Is it possible to adjust the x,y position for the titleLabel of a UIButton? Here is my code: UIButton *…

ios iphone uibutton textlabel
uitableviewcell textlabel too long and push detailtextlabel out of view

When i'm using UITableViewCellStyleValue1, i got a long string of textLabel, and somehow the detailTextLabel got push out from the …

iphone uitableview textlabel
How can I remove/adjust the cell padding/margin of UITableViewCell?

I am using the below code; it works but the text appears with few pixels left padding/margin. How can …

ios uitableview textlabel cellpadding
Can't add textLabel to a UICollectionViewCell?

I have a class file that is a subclass of the UICollectionViewController class. In my cellForItemAtIndexPath method, I am trying …

ios swift uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell textlabel