Top "Text-to-speech" questions

Text-to-speech or speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech.

Android "speak failed: not bound to tts engine"

My android application has text to speak feature and more then one activity uses this feature. So created a static …

android text-to-speech
TextToSpeech : deprecated speak function in API Level 21

I try to use a TextToSpeech in my app, String text = editText.getText().toString(); tts.speak(text, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, …

android text-to-speech
Getting list of Mac text-to-speech voices programmatically?

The mac command say can specify the voice used with the -v flag. say -v Alex "compile completed, put your …

macos text-to-speech
Android TTS doesn't speak

I am trying to implement text to speech technology of android in my Activity but I face a strange error. …

android text-to-speech google-text-to-speech
Samples or live demo of Amazon Polly?

I'm considering using Amazon Polly's Text-To-Speech (TTS) but want to evaluate how natural it really sounds with arbitrary examples (not …

text-to-speech amazon-polly
SpeechSynthesis API onend callback not working

I'm using the Speech Synthesis API on Google Chrome v34.0.1847.131. The API is implemented in Chrome starting in v33. The …

javascript google-chrome text-to-speech speech-synthesis google-text-to-speech
Getting pronunciation of a word using Google Translate API

I am trying to save the pronunciation of a French word into a .wav or .mp3 file. I was wondering …

audio text-to-speech google-translate phonetics
How to change voice in Speech Synthesis?

I am trying out a simple example with Speechsynthesis. <script> voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices() var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance("…

javascript text-to-speech speech-synthesis
How do I play audio returned from an XMLHTTPRequest using the HTML5 Audio API

I'm failing to be able to play audio when making an "AJAX" request to my server side api. I have …

javascript node.js html5-audio text-to-speech ibm-watson
C# Save text to speech to MP3 file

I am wondering if there is a way to save text to speech data to an mp3 or Wav file …

c# text-to-speech