Top "Text-to-speech" questions

Text-to-speech or speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech.

iPhone - API for Text to Speech feature

I was wondering if iPhone has any API that supports Text to Speech feature? I looked around but couldn't find …

iphone api text-to-speech
A good Text-to-Speech JavaScript library

I am looking for a good text to speech javascript library for my application. I looked around and saw Jtalk …

javascript jquery jquery-plugins text-to-speech html5-audio
Google translate text-to-speech in British

I'm using the (unofficial) Google translate TTS api to retrieve mp3s to support disabled learners to read web pages. …

google-translate text-to-speech
TextToSpeech with API 21

Can someone help me using TTS with API 21. All examples available are deprecated with version 21 Here's my code giving error …

android api text-to-speech
Can I change the voice of Google Translate in different gender?

Through some excellent answers I know I can get the MP3 file from text input by using the following URL …

text-to-speech google-translate
Android Text To Speech Male Voice

I have a working text to speech but I was wondering instead of a female voice when the app calls …

java android text-to-speech
Google's text-to speech engine voices?

Most of you probably know the text-to-speech synthesizer of google translate, as you can access programmatically here btw: http://translate.…

text-to-speech google-translate speech-synthesis espeak machine-translation
High quality, emotional, fluent and variable Text-to-Speech engine?

After looking at some of services/tools, I've come to a conclusion. Most Text-to-Speech tools have too techy, robotic - …

audio text-to-speech voice speech-synthesis
Custom Python gTTS voice

I have been using the gTTS module for python 3.4 to make mp3 files of spoken text. It has been working, …

python python-3.x text-to-speech google-text-to-speech
How to use Google Translate TTS with the new V2 API?

I used to call Google Translate TTS to download an audio file using this url:…

text-to-speech google-translate