Top "Text-classification" questions

Simply stating, text classification is all about putting a piece of text into a set of (mostly predefined) categories.

Using Keras for text classification

I am struggling to approach the bag of words / vocabulary method for representing my input data as one hot vectors …

python nlp keras text-classification
Which decision_function_shape for sklearn.svm.SVC when using OneVsRestClassifier?

I am doing multi-label classification where I am trying to predict correct tags to questions: (X = questions, y = list of …

python scikit-learn svm text-classification multilabel-classification
FastText using pre-trained word vector for text classification

I am working on a text classification problem, that is, given some text, I need to assign to it certain …

nlp word2vec text-classification fasttext
Prevent over-fitting of text classification using Word embedding with LSTM

Objective : Identifying class label using user entered question (like Question Answer system). Data extracted from Big PDF file, and need …

tensorflow keras lstm text-classification word-embedding
SkLearn Multinomial NB: Most Informative Features

As my classifier yields about 99% accuracy on test data, I am a bit suspicious and want to gain insight in …

python machine-learning scikit-learn classification text-classification
Naive Bayes: Imbalanced Test Dataset

I am using scikit-learn Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier for binary text classification (classifier tells me whether the document belongs to …

python machine-learning classification scikit-learn text-classification
RNN for binary classification of sequence

I wondering if someone can suggest a good library or reference (tutorial or article) to implement a Recurrent Neural Network (…

deep-learning regular-language text-classification recurrent-neural-network
Dealing with class imbalance in multi-label classification

I've seen a few questions on class imbalance in a multiclass setting. However, I have a multi-label problem, so how …

machine-learning classification text-classification vowpalwabbit