Top "Testflight" questions

TestFlight was a developer tool provided by Apple for distributing iOS builds wirelessly to beta testers.

Testflight app requires iOS8. How do we beta test with iOS7?

Now that Apple have integrated Tesflight into itunesconnect I thought it was time I took a look. I have fallen …

ios testing app-store-connect testflight beta
How do I deploy automated builds to TestFlight from an Xcode Bot?

I spent a good amount of time formatting the mentioned blog with code, screenshots, and etc. that is too much …

ios xcode continuous-integration build-automation testflight
Apple TestFlight error 'Couldn't accept the invite'

I have installed an app successfully as an internal tester. Now the app is ready for external testing, and has …

ios ios8 testflight
How to get crash logs of Testflight external testers on Xcode or iTunes connect?

Is there any ways to know what's wrong with someone's app. It is working on everyone else's device but this …

ios testflight crash-log
Test Flight Groups - How to send a build to a group?

Apple's announcemnt on TestFlight Groups says: Organize your testers into groups to quickly send builds, provide separate instructions on where …

ios app-store-connect testflight
Cocoapods - Flurry & TestFlight - Undefined symbols for architecture

I'm upgrading my project to use Cocoapods and when I try building my project for an iOS device or for …

xcode linker-errors flurry testflight cocoapods
Beta testing with internal testers for iOS 8

I'm having trouble with setting up a beta test with internal testers using iTunes Connect and TestFlight. I've added users …

testing app-store-connect ios8 testflight beta-testing
How to add TestFlight beta app invitation from email

I have test flight installed on my iOS 8.1 device (iPhone 5C), and an email invitation to join a beta release …

ios testflight
iOS TestFlight - External tester email addresses

When adding email addresses for external testers in TestFlight, does the email address of the tester have to be their …

ios app-store-connect testflight beta-testing
An app build does not appear in TestFlight

I don't remember this has happened to me before, but for some unknown reason my last app build does not …

ios archive testflight