Top "Tensorflow-estimator" questions

TensorFlow's tf.

Tensorflow : logits and labels must have the same first dimension

I am new in tensoflow and I want to adapt the MNIST tutorial with …

python tensorflow keras tensorflow-datasets tensorflow-estimator
Tensorflow==2.0.0a0 - AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'global_variables_initializer'

I'm using Tensorflow==2.0.0a0 and want to run the following script: import tensorflow as tf import tensorboard import pandas as …

python tensorflow tensorflow-estimator tf.keras
What's the difference between a Tensorflow Keras Model and Estimator?

Both Tensorflow Keras models and Tensorflow Estimators are able to train neural network models and use them to predict new …

tensorflow keras tensorflow-estimator
Early stopping with tf.estimator, how?

I'm using tf.estimator in TensorFlow 1.4 and tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate is great but I need early stopping. What's …

python tensorflow neural-network keras tensorflow-estimator
What does DNN mean in a TensorFlow Estimator.DNNClassifier?

I'm guessing that DNN in the sense used in TensorFlow means "deep neural network". But I find this deeply confusing …

tensorflow terminology tensorflow-estimator
Prediction from model saved with `tf.estimator.Estimator` in Tensorflow

I am using tf.estimator.Estimator to train a model: def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params, config): input_image = …

tensorflow tensorflow-estimator
Tensorflow - How to use the GPU instead of a CPU for tf.Estimator() CNNs

I think it was supposed to be used with with tf.device("/gpu:0"), but where do I put it? I …

python tensorflow tensorflow-estimator