Top "Template-specialization" questions

Template specialization refers to programmer-generated explicit specialization of templates for specific types.

Specialization of member function template after instantiation error, and order of member functions

The following bit of code fails to compile on gcc 4.5.3 struct Frobnigator { template<typename T> void foo(); template&…

c++ templates template-specialization
Enforce template type through static_assert

I'm trying to understand the usefulness of static_assert, and I want to know if it can help me in …

c++ templates template-specialization static-assert
C++ template specialization on functions

I'm playing around with template specialization, and I've found an issue I can't seem to solve; this is my code: …

c++ templates template-specialization function-templates
Explicit specialization after instantiation

I have the following code: typedef vector<int> Vec; typedef vector<Vec> VecOfVec; template<typename …

c++ templates template-specialization
Template Specialization VS Function Overloading

A textbook I have notes that you can provide your own implementation for standard library functions like swap(x,y) …

c++ stl template-specialization standard-library overloading
Define template specialization in cpp?

I can define a specialized function in a cpp like so... // header template<typename T> void func(T){} …

c++ visual-studio templates template-specialization
Declaration of template class member specialization

When I specialize a (static) member function/constant in a template class, I'm confused as to where the declaration is …

c++ templates declaration template-specialization
std::remove_reference explained?

I saw possible implementations for std::remove_reference as below template< class T > struct remove_reference {typedef T …

c++ templates c++11 template-specialization
Getting "illegal use of explicit template arguments" when doing a pointer partial specialization for a class method

Hello I'm having problems with partial specialization. What I want to do is have a class that has a template …

c++ templates syntax template-specialization