Top "Temenos-quantum" questions

Kony is a cloud-first low-code omni-channel development platform that allows you to write a single codebase in Javascript and generate native applications for multiple operating systems and form factors, as well as Responsive and/or Progressive Web Applications.

Cannot find 'emulator.exe' when trying to test apps

I'm working with KonyOne Studio to build and test apps. The Android SDK is located in C:\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130729\…

android sdk android-emulator temenos-quantum
The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library ... was not found (but I have it)

I'm running some software and getting the following error regarding apr not being found. I saw that it wasn't there, …

tomcat apr temenos-quantum lifecycleexception
Which is current / legacy: <soapenv:Envelope> or <soap:Envelope>

I have to tool to generate soap requests and it can do so in two ways. Either generating the request …

soap soap-client temenos-quantum